Pre and Post Trial


Most of the bleeding should have subsided by the time you have left the office. It is important to keep pressure on the extraction area for about 1 hour after the appointment. This can be done with the gauze provided to you when you leave the office. If the site begins to bleed again, have the child bite on a wet tea bag for an additional 20 minutes.


Swelling after an extraction is most likely due to your child biting the area that was anesthetized without realizing it. Place ice bags around the area if this is occurring on the day of extraction, or provide warm compresses if it is in the days after. If the swelling is rapidly progressing and the child has a fever, call us as soon as possible.

Discomfort After Cementation

Expect some discomfort after the treatment; this is usually due to gum irritation. The discomfort should resolve in 2 to 3 days. Children’s ibuprofen (Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) and a soft diet during this time will help ease any discomfort.

Coming Loose

If the crown or appliance is very loose and can be easily removed from the mouth, take the appliance out and place it in a plastic bag. If it is slightly loose, leave it in the mouth. In either case, call our office as soon as possible for an appointment to have the appliance re-cemented.

Teeth Are Coming In

If the adult teeth are starting to erupt where the prematurely lost baby tooth was located, please make an appointment to have your child evaluated for the removal of the space maintainer.


It is normal for your child to have some soreness in the area where treatment was completed. Children’s acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) should alleviate the pain. If your child is still having difficulties after a day or two, please call our office for a follow-up appointment. If the pain is severe, not alleviated by pain medications, or swelling occurs, please call our office as soon as possible to discuss the situation with Dr. Niloo.


If your child experiences swelling after treatment, it is likely due to lip, cheek, or tongue biting in the anesthetized area. However, if you do not see teeth marks in the area and the swelling is increasing, please call our office as soon as possible.

During your child’s dental cleaning, fluoride was placed on the teeth to help strengthen the enamel. The acidity of acidulated fluoride (the older products on the market) may be irritating to the stomach if swallowed. Our office mostly uses a more neutral fluoride varnish which is not acidic and thus, does not induce this irritation. Our dental team takes every precaution to ensure that the fluoride treatment is properly applied and excess on the gums, cheeks, and tongue is promptly removed. If you think your child may have swallowed a small amount of fluoride during treatment, you can give your child a glass of milk.

Often children will bite themselves in the area they were anesthetized without realizing it. The area can become quite swollen and painful. Your child will need to remain on a soft diet until the area heals to avoid further injury. Give your child Children’s Motrin or Tylenol as needed for the pain.

Most patients tolerate Oral and IV Sedation well. To minimize nausea and any potential vomiting, it is best to not eat a large meal just before the appointment. It is okay for your child to eat a small meal or snack up to an hour before the appointment.

Your child may resume normal activity after his or her appointment as there are no residual effects once the procedure is completed. Most of our patients go back to school after their appointment.

Eating and Drinking Before the IV Sedation Appointment: Your child should have nothing to eat for 6 hours before the sedation appointment. Avoid solid food and milk. Clear liquids (water, apple juice, grape juice, clear sodas, and clear Jello without fruit or whip cream) are allowed up to three hours prior to the appointment. These instructions are extremely important to the health and safety of your child.


Clothing: Your child should wear a short-sleeved shirt. You may bring a small blanket. Please bring diapers or pull-ups if applicable and an extra change of clothes. Remove all jewelry, watches, and hair ornaments. Medication Do not stop taking any medications before consulting your doctor and anesthesiologist.

Health Status

Your child should wear a short-sleeved shirt. You may bring a small blanket. Please bring diapers or pull-ups if applicable and an extra change of clothes. Remove all jewelry, watches, and hair ornaments. Medication Do not stop taking any medications before consulting your doctor and anesthesiologist.

Eating and Drinking After the Appointment

As instructed by the anesthesiologist, start by giving your child water or apple juice no earlier than two hours after leaving the office. You may wet their lips with water if they are thirsty before two hours have passed. Feeding your child too quickly, or feeding them heavy foods immediately after sedation, will likely result in vomiting. If your child can tolerate liquids, move to soft foods such as yogurt, pudding, etc. Gradually increase to normal foods as they are able to tolerate it. Children’s Tylenol or Motrin can be given for pain and low-grade fever. Please notify us if your child develops a temperature higher than 100.5 F or if vomiting continues for more than eight hours.


Your child will likely go home and take a nap after sedation. This is normal. Place them on their side. Do not leave your child unattended or place anything (such as gauze) in their mouth while they are sleeping.


After the procedure, your child will be drowsy and have poor balance and coordination for up to 6-8 hours. It is best that your child rest for the remainder of the day. Watching TV/videos and reading at home are excellent ideas. Your child may resume normal activity or go back to school the day after their appointment if he feels able. Some children may not feel up to normal play and may seem “hung over” from the medications. Encourage clear liquids to help clear the medication from their system. Remember that your child is not as awake as they think they are. Avoid swimming, biking, playing outdoors, and other vigorous activities for the remainder of the day.

Oral Hygiene

The day of the procedure, your child may experience some tenderness. Do not brush or floss your child’s teeth in the area of an extraction. The next morning you can gently brush your child’s teeth. Brushing is very beneficial because clean teeth allow the gums to heal much faster.